In many areas of the world, summer may seem as if it is a thousand years away, especially as we all sit in our homes waiting for quarantines to lift and life to get back to normal. The calendar, however, tells a different story. April is over, May is in progress, and Memorial Day Weekend is just around the corner, making it the perfect time to start planning your unforgettable visit with plenty of activities in Austin to enjoy! And as many future Texas visitors have spent their time doing virtual tours of potential vacation properties, it shouldn’t be of any surprise to you that our Austin Vacation Rentals summer escapes will add an extra touch of perfect to your Texas-sized adventure!

Learn a Little Something About Our Great State

Museums can be boring, but not in Texas, as the Bullock Texas State History Museum easily proves! Located at 1800 Congress Avenue, the exhibits, exhibitions, and artifacts found here offer a beautiful picture of our fair state over the centuries and its air conditioned halls can be quite welcoming during the sultry days of summer!

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Explore the Beauty of Nature With These Activities in Austin

The stunning landscape of Austin is even more breathtaking when viewed from a kayak on the Lady Bird Lake. This body of water is actually a man made reservoir once designed to be used as a cooling pond for the local power plant but is today used as a recreational spot to be enjoyed by water babies from all walks of nature! The view of the Austin skyline is absolutely stunning from the vantage point of the reservoir; boat rentals are available on the banks of this beautiful body of water.

Discover Where the Legend Had Her Start

There’s only one Janis Joplin, and Austin is her old stomping grounds. Threadgill’s at 6416 N Lamar Boulevard is the spot she developed the style she would be known for in her short time on earth. Offering delicious comfort food and an eclectic musical style since the 60s, visitors can’t help but feel they are a part of history from the first moments they step inside!

Keeping Austin Weird

We are a weird little town and we definitely won’t be offended if you point it out. As a matter of fact, we are proud of our weirdness, and travelers who enjoy stopping at roadside attractions such as the biggest ball of twine or largest frying pan are going to get a real treat out of this next adventure! The Cathedral of Junk, located at 4422-4424 Lareina Drive, is one of our favorite novelties, being a structure created from junk the builder has collected over the years. Construction started in 1988 and continues today, and includes a Zen garden of televisions, a throne room, and a variety of rooms, stairwells, and an observation platform. Seeing the inside can be done by appointment only (call 512-299-7413) but there’s nothing that stops you from driving by to take a peek from the outside if no appointments are available!

Austin Vacation Rentals for the Win

At the end of everyday activities in Austin during your stay, coming home to the comfort and style of our summer escapes will be a treat of which you will never tire. Reserve yours today!

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